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The Nightshifter

The Nightshifter

Directed by Dennison Ramalho

Stênio works the graveyard shift in the morgue of a vast, violent city. He toils all night, but he’s never alone, for Stênio can talk to the dead. And they talk back. But when the whispers of the dead reveal secrets of his own life, Stênio unleashes a curse that brings forth danger and darkness. A SHUDDER EXCLUSIVE.

Steñio can talk to the dead. If he isn't careful, his gift will be a curse.

Cast: Daniel de Oliveira, Fabiula Nascimento, Bianca Comparato

Member Reviews

Really good flick. Not scary, but captivates you. Acting was great, kinda sad though :-/

3 weeks ago

A great haunting story. Great effects. Wonderful acting.

1 month ago

I actually really loved this movie! It’s hard to keep me intrigued but I enjoyed this film. It wasn’t scary but it was creative and unique and I kept wanting to see what would happen next. 5 skulls imo !

1 month ago

Engaging to the end. Evil dead vibes, does good with its idea, and conveys how karma goes both ways. 9/10 Story 7. 5/10 Spooky 10/10 Acting 7. 5/10 Practical effects/props Total shutter rating: 5/5 Watch it.

2 months ago

Love it, super original. I was invested the whole movie.

2 months ago